Development of Learning Models for Product Development According the Karlsruhe Model

In the frame of DAAD project Development of Learning Models for Product Development According the Karlsruhe Model (Entwicklung eines Lernmoduls für Produktentwicklung nach dem Karlsruhermodel) on 21st of april 2006 Prof.Dr.-Ing. Albert Albers i Prof. Norbert Burkardt from the Institute for Product Development IPEK, University of Karlsruhe visited Mechanical Engeenering Faculty University of Nis. Visitors from Germany veiwed the presentations of CERP and Mechatronichs laboratory. On the meting held after presentation it is agreed that from 6th till 9th of June, as a integral part od the project, ther will be held Workskop on the subject: "Einführung  von Einheitsvorlesungen für Lehrfach Produktentwicklung in den Partnerhochschulen in Südosteuropa nach dem Karlsruher Modell", with the presence of Karlsruhe, Sofia, Sokplje, Tirana, Novi Sad, Belgrade, Sarajevo and Nis University representives.

address: Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, 18000 Nis, Republic of Serbia; tel: (+381 18) 500 642; fax:(+381 18) 588 199;